SP Snowshoe – vstup do USA, aktualizace!
Pro všechny, kteří uvažují o startu na SP Snowshoe v USA platí níže uvedená aktualizace opatření potřebných pro vstup do USA.
Prosím Vás o pečlivé prostudování a v logistice výjezdu počítejte s níže uvedenými opatřeními, které imigrační oddělení USA důsledně požaduje.
(USA neakceptuje plné očkování jako dostatečné pro vstup, nově bude potřeba buď potvrzení o prodělání nemoci a dokument, který potvrzuje dostatečný počet protilátek nebo covid test ne starší než 72 hodin. Poté bude potřeba podstoupit další covid test do 3 dnů po příletu v místě konání závodu)
Upozorňuji všechny jezdce, kteří nejsou součástí UCI týmů a budou se registrovat do závodu prostřednictvím ČSC, že musí poslat svou přihlášku s uvedením ubytování a počtu UCI bodů v termínu 2. – 10. září 2021 na adresu koordinátora Davida Vichra: vichr@ceskysvazcyklistiky.cz a mě dejte do kopie emailu.
The excitement is building in Snowshoe, USA as we enter the final stage of preparation in welcoming you all back. I wanted to provide you with an update regarding the NIE status as well as providing clarification on a few matters.
As stated previously, we have been working with the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee in obtaining NIE status for the event. The USOPC informed us yesterday that they are confident that athletes, team managers, and support personnel will be eligible to enter the US to attend the event. The information requested in the previously sent form (Found here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=T7JDuzkR2UuCHGzruZoWzwliWGhegixJvn-82ssftFNUMVhJSEhXTThJWU5YQkI1VFpUQVdQVjBBVS4u) must be provided to the US Customs and Boarder Protection within 30 days of the event. Therefore, I ask that all individuals needing to gain entry into the US for the Snowshoe event complete such form no later than Sunday, August 8th. The granting of NIE status should be made approximately 7 days from the day of request.
At this time proof of vaccination is not accepted for entry to the US, and any travelers (including US citizens) will need to show a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of departure to US, or be prepared to show documentation of recovery (proof of a recent positive viral test and a letter from your healthcare provider or a public health official stating that you were cleared to travel).
A COVID test must be taken 3 days upon arrival to the US per state guidelines ( testing will be available on location to accommodate this regulation), additional testing will be available near the completion of the event to accommodate your departure.
The NIE will also not replace any standard travel documentation (i.e., passport, visa, ESTA, etc.) It will only relate to initial entry to the US. International travelers will still need to apply for an ESTA if they qualify, or schedule an appointment for visas.
- Just to note, if travelers are not eligible for an ESTA and need a US Visa instead, we recommend they apply as soon as possible given consular delays due to COVID.
Please feel free to contact Alyssa Knight AKnight@snowshoemountain.com, Caroline Conner cconner@snowshoemountain.com, or myself if you have any questions.
We will see you in about a month!!