Reprezentační tým MTB 2021 – info č. 35.

V příloze naleznete další aktualizaci bezpečnostních opatření a nařízení pro SP Albstadt.

Stručně řečeno: v regionu prudce roste počet nakažených osob. SP a JWS i přes tuto skutečnost dostává od německé vlády výjimku pro pořádání soutěže, ovšem pouze s mimořádnými bezpečnostními opatřeními. To nejpodstatnější budou každodenní testy, které musí podstoupit závodníci i realizační tým před tréninkem a závody.

Upozorňuji na nutnost registrace pro vstup do Německa – platí opět pro všechny účastníky, tedy i členy realizačních týmů: Digitale Einreiseanmeldung


Dear participants of the Mercedes-Benz UCI Mountain Bike World Cup in Albstadt, we are reporting today with a good and a bad news.

The good news first: The event will still take place.

Now for the bad: The event may only be held, if each participant presents a negative Corona test updated on the day.

We got this requirement from the approving authority yesterday because the Corona seven-day incidence is rising sharply in our county.

In concrete terms, this means that from Thursday, May 6, until Sunday, May 9, all participants must be tested every day before training or competition. The tests will therefore lose their validity every day at midnight.

This put the entire organizing team in an extremely difficult and depressing situation yesterday. However, we have to keep in mind, that the health department has to react due to the high incidence – of course we can understand that.

Because of this, we had a sleepless night. However, we don’t want to let it get us down and have spontaneously rescheduled the test center. We also had to acquire personnel at short notice in order to be able to carry out such a high number of tests at all.

How the situation affects you as a participant:

  • The event site will closed at 8 a.m. on Thursday, May 6. From that time on, everyone will now need a negative test result every day.
  • The test center has new opening hours, we have adjusted these especially in the morning so that we can already test the first participants from 6 am.
Weekday Date Time
Thursday 06.05.2021 06:00 – 16:00
Friday 07.05.2021 06:00 – 16:00
Saturday 08.05.2021 06:00 – 16:00
Sunday 09.05.2021 06:00 – 17:00
  • Unfortunately, the Corona appointment booking system cannot handle such a high number of appointment bookings.

Therefore, we will no longer be able to accept appointment bookings. All booked appointments will be cancelled soon – you will receive the cancellation by email.

  • Instead, you may come without an appointment. We hope to be able to grant a quick process due to the higher number of staff and test boxes, so you will not have to wait in line for too long.
  • If you come to the test center already with a negative test result, please notify the staff at the entrance. However, please note: The test results must be confirmed by an official body!

In Germany, these are e.g. test centers of municipalities/cities, service providers, pharmacies that have been certified for this purpose.

In case of doubt, we cannot recognize the test. Then you will have to take another test at the test center.

  • But here’s some good news: In order to do justice to the situation and get the green light from the authorities – but at the same time to relieve the teams and everyone involved financially,

we are reducing the test costs to 20 €. The difference will be borne by the organizer.

  • If you wish to perform a PCR smear on Sunday for onward travel, this is also possible. However, this test still costs 90 €, as we have to pay high costs for the laboratory and the smear here.

You will receive the result via app from the lab. However, if you still have to go to the event site on Sunday, you will also have to take a rapid test, as the PCR result will not be available until a few hours after the swab has been taken.


If you have not registered yet – registration is mandatory for all participants!!!

Bubble 1:

Bubble 2:

Bubble 3:

Attached you will find a sketch of our test center and a short, concise schedule. There may still be changes due to last-minute rescheduling.

However, it should serve as an orientation for you so that as few questions as possible have to be answered on site.

We are sorry for the short notice circumstances and ask for your understanding.

Please remain relaxed if there might be short waiting times or if things do not go quite smoothly.

We will do our best to adapt to the circumstances and ask for your cooperation and understanding.

Best regards, Hanna Pfaff

PS: The Team and Media Guide will be published on our homepage shortly.