Reprezentační tým MTB 2021 – info č. 65.

Informace týkající se vstupu a pobytu v USA s ohledem na SP ve Snowshoe.První odkaz je oficiální covidová politika USA, druhý odkaz je dotazník, který umožní bezproblémový vstup do země a musí ho vyplnit každý účastník SP sám.


I hope you are doing well! We are excited to once again welcome you to Snowshoe, USA for the Mercedes-Benz UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Finals.  Most of you have expressed concerns of traveling to the Snowshoe World Cup event as a result of certain US travel restrictions. These such travel restrictions can be found on the following link: I can assure you that we have been working around the clock on this matter.

We have recently obtained direction from federal authorities that an Olympic-related/National Governing Body-related National Interest Exemption waiver is the best course of action to allow athletes, teams, and support staff into the USA for the purpose of the Mercedes-Benz UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Finals to be held in Snowshoe. This such waiver shall need to be processed through the UC Olympic and Paralympic Committee and UC Customs and Boarder Protection, rather than Embassies or Consulates. Therefore, we have partnered with the USOPC to facilitate the processing of these waivers. As a result, please fill out the form by following the link below for each individual needing to travel to the Snowshoe event that meet the criteria set forth in the travel restriction. Good luck to those competing in the Olympics and we look forward to seeing everyone in September.  Please feel free to reach out Alyssa Knight (the sender of this email) with any questions relating to the form or process.

Additional travel information will be sent out in the coming days.